
Aug 4, 2022

How Do I Know I Need CRM Software?
(Plus 3 Best CRMs For You)

By: Nick Mitchell

Are things getting lost in communication? Customer details slipping through the cracks? Or starting to feel like your team is never on the same page without delays? If this sounds familiar, your company could be ready to scale by adding a CRM software to your internal tools stack.

A CRM (customer relationship management) software can be as simple as an Excel sheet or as complex as a full-on software program. It’s used in a business to bridge the gap between your customers and your team members.

When implemented correctly, a CRM unifies communication so that if you have a large team or a growing team, everyone is looped in on a specific customer. It helps to streamline and centralize information in one place, in contrast to keeping communications with the customer all in your head. This way, your team is always informed and can execute appropriately and effectively.

Signs You Need A CRM

Here are some signs your company can benefit from this new technology implementation:

First, if things just aren’t running smoothly, a CRM is your best next step. The software prevents communication channels from being clogged between team members and slowing of your workflows/processes.

A second sign is that there is a lack of follow-up (i.e. your customer fills out a website form, gets lost, and no new steps are taken). A CRM helps you identify where a customer is in your sales cycle, what they need, and how you can take action to follow-up with them.

Finally, if you don’t have a CRM, you might lack information about your customer. A CRM can help you collect this data automatically – such as which products or services customers are buying, their feedback, and the best ways you can improve your product or service.

Who isn’t a good fit?

Most companies can use a CRM, even if it’s just a simple one like Google Sheets. However, companies that might not need CRM software include one-person businesses or solopreneurs, those with a small customer base that is easily managed yourself, and lastly in B2C companies where a marketing platform acts as a suitable, all-in-one alternative. In this case, a second CRM software or program may be unnecessary.

In addition, if you have a really short sales cycle and/or offer limited products, likely, there are fewer complex moving parts that would require a CRM.

Finding The Best CRM: 3 Recommendations Based on Your Business Needs

1. Google Workspace: Best Low-Budget CRM For Small Teams

Google Workspace, including its applications like Google Tasks, Google Sheets, and Google Docs, keeps things simple and gets smaller businesses off to a really good start. Plus, when your team is ready to scale, it’s easy to export that data from G-suite and import it into your new CRM software.

2. Monday.com: Best CRM For Custom Workflows

Monday.com makes custom workflows and automating recurring tasks a breeze. It also integrates with many third-party platforms and products, so it’s simple for users with little technical knowledge or smaller budgets to automate and centralize information quickly. Our operations team (Sow Ops) and technology team (Sow Labs) has implemented Monday.com across a variety of client business types, including residential and commercial real estate. The flexible platform allows for multiple custom workflows for properties and buyers/investors, while keeping all the critical information in one central location with complete visibility.

3. Zoho: Best CRM For Large Teams

At Nourish & Sow, we’re experienced with this platform and find it the best fit for medium to large-sized companies that are scaling. Zoho CRM allows you to manage a complex sales cycle as well as a large number of leads & customers, implement customized features, and automate/integrate with third-party programs easily. You can also partner with a software engineer to expand this CRM – giving you capabilities to do anything and everything.

If you’re beginning to identify with some of the signs discussed in this post, you’ll want to look into adopting a CRM software for your company. It could mean the difference between a communication nightmare and a seamless, smooth customer relationship management process that saves both time and money.  

To get additional guidance into this new technology implementation, consider technology consulting with Nourish & Sow. Our talented professionals in operations and technology will help you find the best CRM for your business’ unique needs!